Legal Notice

General information of the website

In compliance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (hereinafter, “LSSICE”), the general information is provided below from the website:

  • Holder: Martin Lascorz & Gaiani Giacomo
  • Registered office: Via Don G. Battista Ostinelli, 161, Colverde, Como, Italy
  • C.I.F .: 03505250138
  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: +39 031 55 20 56
  • Registration data:
    REA Number: CO – 318410
    Codice fiscale: 03505250138

Terms and conditions of use

1. Preliminary provisions

These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “Conditions”) regulate access and use of the website (hereinafter the “website”) of which GP Textron Srl is the owner.

The use of the website attributes the condition of user of the website (hereinafter, the “user”) and implies acceptance of all the terms included in these Conditions.

The user must carefully read these Conditions each time they access the website, since this and said Conditions may be modified.

The owner of the website reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services of these Conditions and, in general, of how many elements make up the design and configuration of the Web page.

2. Access to the website: 

Access to the website is free except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the user.

3. Registration need: 

In general, to access the services and content of the website, user registration will not be necessary. However, the use of certain services may be subject to the prior registration of the user. For example, to send queries or requests, the user must register in advance by filling out the corresponding form. The data entered by the user must be exact, current and truthful at all times.

4. Rules for using the website and liability

The user agrees to use the website and all its content and services in accordance with the provisions of law, morality, public order and these general conditions. Likewise, it is obliged to make appropriate use of the services and / or contents of the website and not to use them to carry out illicit activities or activities that constitute a crime, that violate the rights of third parties and / or that infringe the regulations on intellectual and industrial property. , or any other rules of the applicable legal system.

The user undertakes not to transmit, introduce, distribute and make available to third parties, any type of material and information (data, content, messages, drawings, sound and image files, photographs, software, etc.) that are contrary to the law, morality, public order and these Conditions.

By way of example, and in no way limiting or excluding, the user agrees to:

Do not introduce or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, in support of terrorism or that violate human rights.

Not to introduce or spread on the network data programs (viruses and harmful software) that may cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its providers or third-party users of the Internet.

Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates fundamental rights and public liberties recognized constitutionally and in international treaties.

Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes unlawful or unfair advertising.

Do not transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, advertising material, “junk mail”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as commercial spaces) that have been exclusively designed for it .

Do not introduce or disseminate any false, ambiguous or inaccurate information and content in a way that misleads the recipients of the information.

Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes a violation of the rights of intellectual and industrial property, patents, trademarks or copyright that correspond to the owners of the website or third parties.

Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes a violation of the secrecy of communications and the legislation on personal data.

The user agrees to hold the owner of the website harmless against any possible claim, fine, penalty or sanction that may be required to bear as a result of the user’s failure to comply with any of the rules of use indicated above, reserving, in addition , the owner of the website the right to request the corresponding compensation for damages.

The owner of the website reserves the right to cancel the account of those users who make inappropriate use of it or do not respect the observations and prohibitions provided by these Conditions.

5. Liability exclusion:

The owner of the website assumes no responsibility for updating this website to keep the information updated, nor does it guarantee that the information published is accurate or complete. Therefore, the user must confirm that the information published is accurate and complete before making any decision related to any service or content described on this website.

User access to the website does not imply for the owner of the website the obligation to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. In any case, the user is responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

The owner of the website is not responsible for damage caused to the software and computer equipment of users or third parties during the use of the services offered on the website.

The owner of the website is not responsible for any damages or losses of any kind caused to the user that are caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the website service during the provision the same or previously.

6. Contents and services linked through the website:

The service for accessing the website may include technical linking devices, directories and even search tools that allow the user to access other pages and portals on the Internet (hereinafter “Linked Sites”). In these cases, the owner of the website will only be responsible for the content and services provided on the linked sites to the extent that he has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the user considers that there is a linked site with illegal or inappropriate content, he or she may notify the owner of the website, without in any case this communication entailing the obligation to remove the corresponding link.

In no case, the existence of Linked Sites should presuppose the formalization of agreements with the managers or owners thereof, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of the owner of the website with the statements, content or services provided.   

The owner of the website does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and, therefore, is not responsible for the damages produced by the illegality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and / or services of the linked sites or any other damage that is not directly attributable to the owner of the website.

7. Intellectual and industrial property:

All the contents of the web page, understood by them, by way of illustration only, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as their graphic design and source codes, are Intellectual property of the owner of the website or third parties, without being understood to be assigned to the user any of the exploitation rights recognized by current regulations on intellectual property over them.

The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of the owner of the website or third parties, without it being understood that access to the Website attributes any right over them.

8. No electronic commerce. Terms and conditions of contracting products or services: 

The purpose of this website is ONLY to inform the user about the activities of its owner in relation to the products and / or services manufactured and / or provided by him and does NOT constitute and cannot be considered any type of contractual relationship of any type, whether or not electronic commerce, between the owner of the website and the user.

Privacy policy and cookie policy

The treatment of personal data of the user by the owner of this website, as well as the use of cookies are governed by our PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIES POLICY, in accordance with current regulations applicable at all times.